android - How to display changed state of checkbox before other code executes in OnCheckedChangeListener.onCheckedChanged -

i need add new view after clicking on checkbox. , want show changed state of checkbox , display new view, when click on checkbox, ui stops second or few, , @ same time showing new view , checkbox displaying checked.

my code simple

{  checkbox = (checkbox) findviewbyid(;  if (checkbox != null) {      checkbox.setoncheckedchangelistener(new oncheckedchangelistener() {          @override         public void oncheckedchanged(compoundbutton buttonview, boolean ischecked) {              oncheckboxchanged(ischecked);          }      });  } }  protected void oncheckboxchanged(boolean ischecked) {     //this listener adding in constructor , creates in view want add child     on_change_listener.onfilterparamvaluechanged(this); } 

and code listener is:

public void onfilterparamvaluechanged(myclass obj) {      addview(new myview(getcontext(), obj.gettitle())); } 

code of myview:

class myview extends linearlayout{      private textview title;      public myview(context context, string text) {         super(context);         viewgroup.inflate(context, r.layout.my_view, this);         title = (textview) findviewbyid(;         if (title != null) {             title.settext(filter_value_data.tostring());         }     }  } 

upd solution that's work me in comment below, @diljeet. put addview in runnable

public void onfilterparamvaluechanged(myclass obj) {     new handler().post(new runnable(){         public void run() {             addview(new myview(getcontext(), obj.gettitle()));         }     });  }     


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