c++ - Linking a function to a timer with Qt -

i have function declaration above:

double image_function(double sum, double avr, double &value) 

i have read signals , slots must have same arguments, how possible adjust condition when applyinh timer function follow:

connect(timer, signal(timeout()), this, slot(image_function())); timer->start(0);     

that's not possible. function needs 3 parameters, have give them. how timer know function's parameters?

create slot function (without parameters) timer's timeout. there call image_function parameters want.

let's class mainwindow. need declare slot qtimer's timeout signal:

class mainwindow : public qmainwindow {     q_object public:     ...  private slots:     void timer_image_function();  }; 

then in .cpp, somewhere create qtimer , connect signal new slot:

connect(timer, signal(timeout()), this, slot(timer_image_function())); timer->start(0);   

and of course, need implement slot function, calls image_function:

void mainwindow::timer_image_function() {     double result = image_function(sum, avr, value); } 


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