I'm trying to get the innerHTML function in Javascript to work -

i want heating answer appear next heating surface (mm) can't make work. following error message chrome console

uncaught typeerror: cannot read property 'value' of null  

i know else works because added alert box, need innerhtml work though.

here html:

 <html>  <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="pipeheaterfunction.js"> </script> </head>  <body>  <table> <tr><td>inner diameter (mm):</td> <td><input id="dia" onkeypress="pipeheater();"></td>  <tr><td>pipe thickness (mm):</td> <td><input id="thi" onkeypress="pipeheater();"></td>  <tr><th>calculate heater:</th> <td><button onclick="pipeheater();">calculate</button></td></tr>  <tr><td>heating surface(mm):</td> <td><span class="output" id="surface"></span></td></tr> </table>  </body>   </html> 

here javascript code:

function pipeheater(){ //dia inner diameter of pipe, thi pipe thickness  var dia = document.getelementbyid("dia").value; var thi = document.getelementbyid("thi").value; var hsur; //hsur heating surface required pipe in mm  hsur = 5*math.sqrt(((dia-thi)*thi)/2);  var surface = hsur;   if(surface>0){ surface.innerhtml=surface.tofixed(1); alert(surface.tofixed(1)); }   }  window.onload=pipeheater(); 

there 2 errors in script. @ first, when setting

window.onload = pipeheater(); 

pipeheater invoked immediately, it's not waiting window.onload fired, , error when trying read value of yet-non-existing element. can fix this:

window.onload = pipeheater; 

secondly, try use innerhtml of hsur, number. need define variable actual html element. below fixed code.

function pipeheater() {     var dia = document.getelementbyid("dia").value,         thi = document.getelementbyid("thi").value,         hsur = 5 * math.sqrt(((dia - thi) * thi) / 2),         surface = document.getelementbyid("surface");      if (hsur > 0) {         surface.innerhtml = hsur.tofixed(1);         alert(hsur.tofixed(1));     } }  window.onload = pipeheater; 

you can check how works @ jsfiddle. i'd recommend validate values of dia , thi before making calculations them. using onchange instead of onkeypress might more comfortable users, , give more reliable results.


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