.net - Exception when trying to deserialize the JSON object -

i trying deserialiaze json object on line ser.writeobject(ms, inpjsonobj); exception thrown

edit: suggested created new memory stream , copied modified object in new stream . "out" string still blank !

datacontractjsonserializer ser = new datacontractjsonserializer(typeof(testjson));             memorystream ms = new memorystream(encoding.unicode.getbytes(inpstr));             ms.position = 0;             testjson obj = (testjson)ser.readobject(ms);             obj.var11 = 99;             obj.var21 = 199;               memorystream ms1 = new memorystream();             ser.writeobject(ms1, obj);              ms1.position = 0;             streamreader sr = new streamreader(ms1);             out = sr.readtoend();             ms1.close();             ms.close(); 

without knowing exception details can guess, looks problem creating instance of non-resizable memory stream , trying write updated object - result of serialization larger original string , stream cannot accept it.


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