c# - MSMQ System.Messaging high resource usage -

i have make c# console application uses timer connects msmq every 10 seconds data insert oracle database. issue log in , log off domain , create high cpu create security audit log waste resources.

my console application runs task schedule. code below

using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.linq; using system.text; using system.messaging; using system.xml; using system.io; using system.timers; using oracle.dataaccess.client;  using system.data;   namespace msmq_news {     class program     {     private static system.timers.timer atimer;      static void main(string[] args)     {         try         {              // create timer ten second interval.             atimer = new system.timers.timer(60000);//10000             // hook elapsed event timer.             atimer.elapsed += new elapsedeventhandler(ontimedevent);             // set interval 2 seconds (2000 milliseconds).             //atimer.interval = 10000;             atimer.enabled = true;             atimer.start();              console.writeline("press enter key exit program.");             console.readline();         }         catch (exception ex)         {             log(" main -- " + ex.message);         }     }      private static void ontimedevent(object source, elapsedeventargs e)     {         // in case wants inherit class , lock ...         object _padlock = new object();         try         {             atimer.stop();             lock (_padlock)             {                 console.writeline("the elapsed event raised @ {0}", e.signaltime);                 processqueuemsgs();             }         }         catch (exception ex)         {             log(" ontimedevent -- " + ex.message);         }                 {             atimer.start();         }     }      private static void processqueuemsgs()     {         try         {             while ((datetime.now.hour >= 06)                 && (datetime.now.hour <= 16))             {                 datetime dt = datetime.now;                 receivenewsdetail(dt);                 receivenewsheader(dt);             }             closeapp();         }         catch (exception ex)         {             log(" processqueuemsgs -- " + ex.message);         }     }      static bool queueexist(string queuename)     {         try         {             if (messagequeue.exists(queuename))                 return true;             else                 return false;         }         catch (exception ex)         {             log(" queueexist -- " + ex.message);             return false;         }     }      private static void receivenewsheader(datetime dt)     {         try         {             messagequeue mqnewsheader = null;             string value = "", _tmp = "";             _tmp = "<newsheader></newsheader> ";             /*if (queueexist(@".\q_ws_ampnewsheaderrep"))*/             mqnewsheader = new messagequeue(@".\q_ws_ampnewsheaderrep");              int msgcount = getmessagecount(mqnewsheader, @".\q_ws_ampnewsheaderrep");             (int = 0; < msgcount; i++)             {                 message msg = mqnewsheader.receive();                 msg.formatter = new activexmessageformatter();                  //need avoid ??? arabic characters                 using (streamreader strdr = new streamreader(msg.bodystream, system.text.encoding.default))                 {                     value = strdr.readtoend();                 }                  value = value.replace("\0", string.empty);                 if (value != _tmp)                 {                     loadnewsheader(value, dt);                 }             }         }         catch (exception ex)         {             log("from receivenewsheader -- " + ex.message);         }     }      private static void receivenewsdetail(datetime dt)     {         try         {             messagequeue mqnewsdetails = null;             string value = "", _tmp = "";             _tmp = "<news></news> ";             /*if (queueexist(@".\q_ws_ampnewsrep"))*/                 mqnewsdetails = new messagequeue(@".\q_ws_ampnewsrep");              int msgcount = getmessagecount(mqnewsdetails, @".\q_ws_ampnewsrep");             (int = 0; < msgcount; i++)             {                 message msg = mqnewsdetails.receive();                 msg.formatter = new activexmessageformatter();                  //need avoid ??? arabic characters                 using (streamreader strdr = new streamreader(msg.bodystream, system.text.encoding.default))                 {                     value = strdr.readtoend();                 }                  value = value.replace("\0", string.empty);                 if (value != _tmp)                 {                     loadnewsdetail(value, dt);                 }             }          }         catch (exception ex)         {             log("from receivenewsdetail -- " + ex.message);         }     }      private static void loadnewsheader(string text , datetime dt)     {         try         {              //text = replacespecialcharacters(text);             //text = clean(text);             //xmldocument _xmldoc = new xmldocument();             //_xmldoc.loadxml(text);             //string filename = "newsheader.xml";             text = text.replace("<arabicfields>", "<arabicfields>\n\t\t");              //createxmlfile(filename, text);             xmldocument _xmldoc = loadxmldoc(text);              string sql = "";               xmlnodelist newsheaderlist = _xmldoc.selectnodes("newsheader/newsheaderrep");             if (newsheaderlist.count > 0)             {                 oracleparameter ptruncate = new oracleparameter("p_table_name", oracledbtype.varchar2);                 ptruncate.value = "companies_news";                 databaseoperation(commandtype.storedprocedure, "truncate_table", ptruncate);             }             foreach (xmlnode news in newsheaderlist)             {                  xmlnodelist newsidlist = news.selectnodes("newsid");                 sql = "insert companies_news(newsid, newsid_seqno, newsstatus, language_cd, sec_cd, releasedate, releasetime, title, stg_time) values(";                 foreach (xmlnode newsid in newsidlist)                 {                     sql += "'" + newsid["id"].innertext + "',";                     sql += "" + newsid["seqno"].innertext + ",";                 }                  sql += "'" + news["newsstatus"].innertext + "',";                  xmlnodelist newsitemlist = news.selectnodes("newsitem");                 foreach (xmlnode newsitem in newsitemlist)                 {                     sql += "'" + newsitem["languageid"].innertext + "',";                     if (newsitem["reseccode"] != null)                         sql += "'" + newsitem["reseccode"].innertext + "',";                     else                         sql += "' ',";                     xmlnodelist releasetimelist = newsitem.selectnodes("releasetime");                     foreach (xmlnode releasetime in releasetimelist)                     {                         sql += "to_date('" + releasetime["date"].innertext + "','yyyymmdd'),";                         sql += "" + releasetime["time"].innertext + ",";                     }                 }                  xmlnodelist arabicfieldslist = news.selectnodes("arabicfields");                 foreach (xmlnode arabicfields in arabicfieldslist)                 {                     sql += "'" + revertspecialcharacters(arabicfields["title_ar"].innertext) + "',";                 }                 sql += "to_date('" + dt.tostring() + "','mm/dd/yyyy hh12:mi:ss pm'))";                 databaseoperation(commandtype.text, sql, null);                 console.writeline("header : " + datetime.now.tostring());             }              if (sql != "") //recordcount("select count(*) companies_news_details") > 0             {                 oracleparameter prefresh = new oracleparameter("p_table_names", oracledbtype.varchar2);                 prefresh.value = "companies_news";                  databaseoperation(commandtype.storedprocedure, "refresh_vw_all", prefresh);             }         }         catch (exception ex)         {             log("from loadnewsheader -- " + ex.message);         }     }      private static void loadnewsdetail(string text, datetime dt)     {         try         {              //string filename = "newsdetail.xml";             text = text.replace("<arabicfields>", "<arabicfields>\n\t\t");              //text = createxmlfile(filename);             //text = text.replace("<arabicfields>", "<arabicfields>\n\t\t");             xmldocument _xmldoc = loadxmldoc(text);               string sql = "";              xmlnodelist newslist = _xmldoc.selectnodes("news/newsrep");             if (newslist.count > 0)             {                 oracleparameter ptruncate = new oracleparameter("p_table_name", oracledbtype.varchar2);                 ptruncate.value = "companies_news_details";                 databaseoperation(commandtype.storedprocedure, "truncate_table", ptruncate);             }             foreach (xmlnode news in newslist)             {                  xmlnodelist newsidlist = news.selectnodes("newsid");                 sql = "insert companies_news_details(newsid_id, newsid_seqno, newstext_1,newstext_2,stg_time) values(";                 foreach (xmlnode newsid in newsidlist)                 {                     sql += "" + newsid["id"].innertext + ",";                     sql += "" + newsid["seqno"].innertext + ",";                 }                 xmlnodelist arabicfieldslist = news.selectnodes("arabicfields");                 foreach (xmlnode arabicfields in arabicfieldslist)                 {                    // log(" before arabic text data -- :" + arabicfields["newstext_ar"].innertext);                     if (arabicfields["newstext_ar"].innertext.length > 4000)                     {                         sql += "'" + revertspecialcharacters(arabicfields["newstext_ar"].innertext.substring(0, 3999)).replace("\n",environment.newline) + "',";                         sql += "'" + revertspecialcharacters(arabicfields["newstext_ar"].innertext.substring(3999, arabicfields["newstext_ar"].innertext.length)).replace("\n", environment.newline) + "',";                         sql += "to_date('" + dt.tostring() + "','mm/dd/yyyy hh12:mi:ss pm')";                     }                     else                     {                         sql += "'" + revertspecialcharacters(arabicfields["newstext_ar"].innertext).replace("\n", environment.newline) + "','',";                         sql += "to_date('" + dt.tostring() + "','mm/dd/yyyy hh12:mi:ss pm')";                      }                      sql += ")";                     databaseoperation(commandtype.text, sql, null);                     console.writeline("detail : " + datetime.now.tostring());                 }             }              if (sql != "") //recordcount("select count(*) companies_news_details") > 0             {                 oracleparameter prefresh = new oracleparameter("p_table_names", oracledbtype.varchar2);                 prefresh.value = "companies_news_details";                  databaseoperation(commandtype.storedprocedure, "refresh_vw_all", prefresh);             }         }         catch (exception ex)         {             log("from loadnewsdetail -- " + ex.message);         }     }      private static void closeapp()     {         system.environment.exit(0);         }      protected static int getmessagecount(messagequeue q, string queuename)     {        var _messagequeue = new messagequeue(queuename, queueaccessmode.peek);        _messagequeue.refresh();  //done correct count sends 0         var x = _messagequeue.getmessageenumerator2();         int icount = 0;         while (x.movenext())         {            icount++;         }         return icount;     }      private static void databaseoperation(commandtype cmdtype, string sql, oracleparameter param)     {         string oracleconnectionstring = system.configuration.configurationsettings.appsettings["oracleconnectionstring"];          using (oracleconnection con = new oracleconnection())         {             con.connectionstring = oracleconnectionstring;             con.open();              oraclecommand command = con.createcommand();             command.commandtype = cmdtype;             command.commandtext = sql;             if (param != null)                 command.parameters.add(param);             command.executenonquery();              command.dispose();             con.close();         }     }      private static string revertspecialcharacters(string pvalue)     {         string _retval = string.empty;         _retval = pvalue.replace("'", "''");          return _retval;     }      public static void log(string message)     {         // create writer , open file:         streamwriter log;         //c:\software\msmq_new_news_fix         if (!file.exists(@"c:\msmq_new_news_fix\log.txt"))         {             log = new streamwriter(@"c:\msmq_new_news_fix\log.txt");         }         else         {             log = file.appendtext(@"c:\msmq_new_news_fix\log.txt");         }          // write file:         log.writeline(datetime.now.tostring() + " : " + message);         // close stream:         log.close();     }      public static xmldocument loadxmldoc(string xmltext)     {         xmldocument doc = new xmldocument();         try         {             string xmltoload = parsexmlfile(xmltext);             doc.loadxml(xmltoload);         }         catch (exception ex)         {             log("from loadxmldoc -- " + ex.message);         }         return doc;     }      private static string parsexmlfile(string xmltext)     {         stringbuilder formatedxml = new stringbuilder();         try         {             stringreader xmlreader = new stringreader(xmltext);             while (xmlreader.peek() >= 0)                 formatedxml.append(replacespecialchars(xmlreader.readline()) + "\n");         }         catch (exception ex)         {             log("from parsexmlfile -- " + ex.message);         }         return formatedxml.tostring();     }      private static string replacespecialchars(string xmldata)     {         try         {             //if (xmldata.contains("objectref")) return "<objectref></objectref>";             int grtrposat = xmldata.indexof(">");             int closeposat = xmldata.indexof("</");             int lenthtoreplace = 0;             if (grtrposat > closeposat) return xmldata;              lenthtoreplace = (closeposat <= 0 && grtrposat <= 0) ? xmldata.length : (closeposat - grtrposat) - 1;             //get string between xml element. e.g. <contactname>hanna moos</contactname>,              //you 'hanna moos'             string data = xmldata.substring(grtrposat + 1, lenthtoreplace);             string formatteddata = data.replace("&", "&amp;").replace("<", "&lt;")                                        .replace(">", "&gt;").replace("'", "&apos;");             if (lenthtoreplace > 0) xmldata = xmldata.replace(data, formatteddata);             return xmldata;         }         catch (exception ex)         {             log("from replacespecialchars -- " + ex.message);             return "";         }     }  } } 

how can solve above issue

why not host queue reader process in windows service. continually poll queue each 10 seconds.

then use windows scheduler start/stop service @ relevant times create service window.

this means won't need complicated in scheduled task, , won't loading , unloading time.


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