php - Files losing all data when saving -

got complicated problem little information on it. ok have site people upload files onto, files base 64 encoded , sent site. second site saves file , adds database record file. somewhere in process, 1 in 8 files losing content.

this system has been 5 months, error has appeared in last month, co-inciding server move. there nothing in common files e.g. extension or source, nothing significant time, , no php errors being logged. have got copies of files failed, , when try upload them, work fine.

the first site wont let through blank file, has happening in second site, believe maybe have missed php config option thats causing this. thoroughness sake here code saving file:

$filename = time() . ($id->count + 1) . '-' . $this->post['jobid'] . $this->post['filetype']; file_put_contents(dir_tmp . "cvs" . ds . $filename, base64_decode($this->post['cv']), file_append); 

the server in question linux centos 6 64 bit.

so sum up, problem started after server move, effects 1/8 files , files in question don't consistently fail. there no pattern in file extension or timings (i'm not seeing multiple files being handled @ same time don't think server being overloaded) , no php error being logged.

any appreciated, though got little work on!

ok found answer, managed track route files taking, , going previous version of site. moral of story when dealing whitelabelled site, keep in mind version of site where!


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