osx - Postgresql.app user database deleted. How to recreate? -

i'm developing ruby on rails app use on heroku , want use postgresql.app locally development environment (mostly play rails 4.0's new array attributes.) had installed postgresql.app while ago when playing around it, uninstalled , deleted user database created. i've reinstalled app, tries connect database before it'll anything, including allowing me psql @ command line.

if use psql @ command line, this:

psql: fatal: database "bcarr" not exist


any suggestions how reset app's settings can recreate initial user db, or how can recreate db?

many in advance help!

normally on installation postgres.app creates database , username matches os username (and has db superuser privileges). in case of reinstall, seems may end database missing.

however if username still there , still superuser, it's still possible connect template1 , issue administration commands such create database , create user.

the command simply: psql -d template1 -u username, -u username being optional if it's same os user.


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