Put a fixed title in an interactive 3D plot using rgl package, R -

i trying add fixed title interactive 3d plot using rgl package r, far haven't been able it. have 1 main title , subtitle under main title.

here sample code,

library(rgl)  data<-read.table(text="          x         y         z                  1  147.0883 -18.69122 -13.90000                  2  147.0894 -18.69455 -10.97250                  3  147.0883 -18.69122 -17.45000                  4  147.0883 -18.69122 -15.44000                  5  147.0883 -18.69122 -13.45000                  6  147.0909 -18.69922 -12.25000                  7  147.0883 -18.69122 -17.30000                  8  147.0883 -18.69122 -16.40000                  9  147.0883 -18.69122 -14.30000                  10 147.0883 -18.69122 -18.50000                  11 147.0883 -18.69122 -15.67606                  12 147.0883 -18.69122 -17.25780                  13 147.0883 -18.69122  -3.64000                  14 147.1164 -18.68133 -22.13000                  15 147.0883 -18.69122 -18.54778                  16 147.0883 -18.69122 -15.50000                  17 147.1185 -18.68691 -14.55500                  18 147.0883 -18.69122 -18.12500                  19 147.0901 -18.69670 -14.39767",header=t)  data  a<-as.matrix(data)  # call plug-in bandwidth estimator  h.pi<-hpi(a,binned=true)*3 ## matrix of x,y,z points   # calculate kernel densities  fhat<-kde(a,h=h.pi)  # produce 3d plot open3d()  title<-"individual 1 (male)" # main title title2<-"site a" # subtitle  plot(fhat,cont=c(50,95),colors=c("green","red"),drawpoints=true,      xlab="",ylab="", zlab="",size=1.5,ptcol="black",       axes=f,box=t,aspect=c(1,1,0.5),zlim=c(-40,0))  axes3d(c("x--","y--","z-+"),cex=0.8) mtext3d("longitude",edge="x--",line=3,las=2,cex=1.1) mtext3d("latitude",edge="y--",line=3,las=2,cex=1.1) mtext3d("depth (m)",edge="z-+",line=3,las=2,cex=1.1)  title3d(main=title,sub=title2,line=4) 

i haven't found way of having fixed title (and subtitle) when export plot 3d movie, main title not rotating plot...

movie3d(spin3d(axis=c(0,0,1), rpm=4),dir="~/dropbox/r/sample plots", duration=15, fps=10, movie="plot 1") 

if have good/easy way of putting main title in fixed location (and possibly adding secondary title under) great. in advance,

this cannot done in rgl @ present.


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