backbone.js - backbone-relational: usage with standalone model without relations -

i using backbone-relational. usage onetomany model works fine.

but having troubles using backbone-relational single/standalone model:

window.beeronlineshopposition = backbone.relationalmodel.extend({ urlroot:"../api/beeronlineshoppositions", idattribute: 'id', relations: [                 ], defaults:{     "id":null,     "position_amount":"" } });  window.beeronlineshoppositioncollection = backbone.collection.extend({ model:beeronlineshopposition, url:"../api/beeronlineshoppositions" }); 

in main have:

    beeronlineshopproductdetails:function (id) {     var beeronlineshopproduct = beeronlineshopproduct.findorcreate(id);     beeronlineshopproduct.fetch();     var beeronlineshopproduct_view = new beeronlineshopproductview({el: $('#content'), model: beeronlineshopproduct});  }, 

so, when jump existing records (...beeronlineshop/beeronlineshopproducts/#4), nothing happens. debugging shows, fetch executed , view gets loaded. view not rendered somehow.

when refresh (f5), view gets rendered correctly.

as mentioned whole thing works one-to-many model, question is:

did make trivial syntax-error on model part?... or there other obvious reason troubles have?

it may because of asynchronous request created findorcreate. beeronlineshopproduct.fetch() making request server view being rendered before server returns response.

you have 2 options. can pass in rendering of view callback upon fetch's success so:

beeronlineshop.fetch({   success: function() {     var beeronlineshopproduct_view = new beeronlineshopproductview({el: $('#content'), model: beeronlineshopproduct})   }); 

or can pass initializer in beeronlineshopproductview listens model syncing server, , calls view re-render itself, so:

window.beeronlineshopproductview = backbone.view.extend({   initialize: function() {     this.listento (this.model, "sync", this.render)   }, })     


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