c++ - Return the count of negative numbers in the optimal way -
a variation of "searching in matrix sorted rowwise , columnwise"
given 2d matrix sorted rowwise , columnwise. have return count of negative numbers in optimal way.
i think of solution
initialise rowindex=0
if rowindex>0 rowindex++
else apply binary search
and implemented in code 5x5 matrix
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> using namespace std; int arr[5][5]; int func(int row) { int hi=4; int lo=0; int mid=(lo+hi)/2; while(hi>=lo) { mid=(lo+hi)/2; . if(mid==4) { return 5; } if(arr[row][mid]<0 && arr[row][mid+1]<0) { lo=mid+1; } else if(arr[row][mid]>0 && arr[row][mid+1]>0) { hi=mid-1; } else if(arr[row][mid]<0 && arr[row][mid+1]>0) { return mid+1; } } } int main() { int ri,ci,sum; ri=0; //rowindex ci=0; //columnindex sum=0; for(int i=0; i<5; i++) { for(int j=0; j<5; j++) { cin>>arr[i][j]; } } while(ri<5) { if(arr[ri][ci]>=0) { ri++; } else if(arr[ri][ci]<0) { int p=func(ri); sum+=p; ri++; } } printf("%d\n",sum); }
i ran code here http://ideone.com/pilnd2 runtime o(xlogy) matrix of x rows , y columns
correct me if wrong in time complexity or implementation of code
does have better idea improve run-time complexity?
o(m+n) algorithm, m , n dimensions of array, working sliding down top of negative portion, finding last negative number in each row. prashant talking in comments:
int negativecount(int m, int n, int **array) { // array pointer m pointers n ints each. int count = 0; int j = n-1; (int = 0, < m; i++) { // find last negative number in row i, starting index of // last negative number in row i-1 (or n-1 when i==0). while (j >= 0 && array[i][j] >= 0) { j--; } if (j < 0) { return count; } count += j+1; } return count; }
we can't better worst-case o(m+n), if you're expecting far fewer m+n negative numbers, may able better usual-case time.
suppose have n n array, array[i][j] < 0
iff i < n-j
. in case, way algorithm can tell array[i][n-1-i] < 0
looking @ cell. thus, algorithm has @ at least n cells.
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