ruby on rails - Pow domains not loading in Chrome -

so, struggled last hour. reason, pow domains hit error in chrome. rails servers work great traditional rails s , pull @ localhost:3000. i'm using manage domains.

no matter what, hit page in chrome each time try visit .dev domain.

the strangest thing is, site loads great in other browsers. not chrome. tried installing chrome canary , hits exact same error (fresh install!).

i tried, in order, no avail, server running again:

  1. rebooting.
  2. pow restart in terminal various sites.
  3. reinstalling pow.
  4. clearing dns cache @ chrome://net-internals#dns

nothing seems work. idea working again? not huge deal use localhost:3000 love pow. strange thing is, working wonderfully weeks.

i ran same issue, changing opendns google's dns servers didn't help. apparently, issue asynchronous dns built chrome.

there couple workarounds:

  • use domain instead of .dev
  • disable asynchronous dns in chrome://flags
  • disable nxdomain helper

i ended disabling asynchronous dns , .dev domains work again.

here's found more information:


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