css - Center a menu with left align items -

i need design menu, in menu centered, variable number of items, browser resolutions, , items aligned left (menu centered in page, items aligned left).


(as can see not centered @ all).

this code:

<html> <head>  <style type="text/css">  .extpanel{  background-color:#555;  padding: 0px 20% 0px 20%;  display: table; }  .split{     clear: both; }  .menuelement{  float:left;  background-color:#aaa;  margin: 0px 20px 20px 0px;  width: 200px;  height: 200px;  text-align: center; }  </style>  </head> <body>  <div class="extpanel">      <div class="menuelement">item1</div>     <div class="menuelement">item2</div>     <div class="menuelement">item3</div>     <div class="menuelement">item4</div>      <div class="split"></div>     external panel. 20% left , right padding. </div>  </body> </html> 

as can see, external div has 20% padding in order center items. items float left. items not centered @ because remaining space exists in item4 doesn't have enough space, floats next line.

and if menu have 1 menu item, item float left more obvious menu not centered. if try use style center items (text-align or this), item4 appear centered below item2, , need items align left.

i need:

  • menu centered in page, number of items
  • items centered
  • cross-browser compatibility (to ie8 @ least, , mobile explorers)
  • no javascript

try using display: inline-block;.

you can add following code:

.extpanel {     text-align: center; } .menuelement {     display: inline-block;     *display: inline; //ie     zoom: 1; //ie     //remove float: left; } 


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