Excel equivalent Google Docs function to "query()" custom VBA function -

i transitioning google docs excel , running int oproblems equilivent function: google docs: query()

from googleing around know there no query in excel , have started make vba function same thing running trouble

the original google docs query =query('gp referrals 2012-2013'!a15:z ; "select a, z j = 'wh' order z desc limit 9", 0)

a string, z number , j 1 of 3 possible strings. run 3 times different values in j.

is there way in excel. have second sheet setup put results of in.

i have function started but stuck how next step. appreciated.

function gettopgps(clinic string) integer     dim activesheet object     set activesheet = worksheets(1)      dim rawrange object     set rawrange = activesheet.range("a15:z65536")      // how can go here? 

end function

based on @chuff's approach, give data array labels (i chose a>z a14:z14) , name array (a14:zn) - chose gparry.

data > external data - other sources, microsoft query, databases, excel files*, ok. select workbook name, ok, table: gparry, add, close.

in list under gparry, double-click on a, j , z in turn, click on sql button. in sql statement: change select select top 9 , append:

where j = 'wh'   order z desc  

ok, ok.

if want results excel select extract (top left), edit, copy , paste suits you.


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