How does the PHP code execute even without closing the ?> PHP tag? -

following code come notice php file:

<?php  # should log same directory file   $log   = klogger::instance(dirname(__file__), klogger::debug); $args1 = array('a' => array('b' => 'c'), 'd'); $args2 = null;  $log->loginfo('info test'); $log->lognotice('notice test'); $log->logwarn('warn test'); $log->logerror('error test'); $log->logfatal('fatal test'); $log->logalert('alert test'); $log->logcrit('crit test'); $log->logemerg('emerg test');  $log->loginfo('testing passing array or object', $args1); $log->logwarn('testing passing null value', $args2); 

you can notice closing php tag(?>) not present there still statements within code working perfect. i'm not getting how possible execute code without completion of php tag(?>). researched didn't satisfatory explanation. can guide me in regard? in advance.

the closing tag exists tell interpretter should stop executing text , output verbatim. unlike xml, requires openning , closing tags match valid, php interpretter uses tags delimit execution should start , stop.

just php file have no opening tag - meaining entire contents output, no closing tag necessary once end-of-file reached execution ends.


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