php - uploading the name of the images -

i'm uploading name of images database!

the problem name in database blank space before name!

where problem?

$original_name = strtolower(trim($arquivo['name'])); $caracteres = array("ç","~","^","]","[","{","}",";",":","´",",",">",                    "<","-","/","|","@","$","%","ã","â","á","à","é",                   "è","ó","§","ò","+","=","*","&","(",")","!","#","?",                   "`","ã"," ","©","£");  $original_name = str_replace(' ', '', $original_name); $final_name = str_replace($caracteres,"",$original_name); 

i suggest use white list of allowed characters such [a-za-z0-9_]

and use:

$final_name = preg_replace("#[^a-z0-9_]+#i", "", $arquivo['name']); 


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