toad - how to Combine two tables column in oracle? -

 table 1: currency code   er  guarantor id    g amount usd        1.2986   117          750 aed        4.76976  117          5750 zar        11.4717  117          234 inr        70.676   117          1243 amd        526.5823 117          500000 eur          1  117          12435       139.63197 117         2000000 eur          1  173         200000 eur          1  217         20000000 inr       70.676    26           100000 aed      4.76976    43          1000000 eur          1  53          10000 
 table 2:                       f amount usd     1.2986  117 450 aed    4.76976  117 7900 inr     70.676  117 2237.4 zar    11.4717  117 140.4 amd   526.5823  117 500000 eur          1  117 6961  139.63197  117 2000000 eur          1  173 20000 eur          1  217 14000000 inr     70.676  26  300000 aed    4.76976  43  2000000 eur          1  53  10000 
 result:  currency code   er  guarantor id    g amount       f amount usd        1.2986   117          750             450 aed        4.76976  117          5750            7900 zar        11.4717  117          234            2237.4 inr        70.676   117          1243            140.4 amd        526.5823 117          500000         500000 eur          1  117          12435       139.63197 117         2000000 eur          1  173         200000 eur          1  217         20000000 inr       70.676    26           100000 aed      4.76976    43          1000000 eur          1  53          10000 

i want combine both table need column in table 1 , f amount column table 2. how achieve this?

thanks in advance.

use below query

select t1.currency code         ,         , t1.guarantor         ,         , t2.famount  table1 t1      , table2 t2     t1.currency code=t2.currency code 


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