Undefined local variables in Rails 3 partials after upgrade to Ruby 1.9.3 -

i know there several posts on issue none of solutions i've read here.

i've upgraded ruby 1.8.7 1.9.3p429 , now, undefined local variable in partials.

i calling partial (from partial in case that's relevant) thusly:

= render :partial => 'user_name', :locals => {:user => item_user, :extra_class => "active"} 

in partial, access these locals thusly:

- if(current_user , user.silhouette_user_id.to_i == current_user.silhouette_user_id)     = notranslate(current_user.full_name) - else     - if !local_assigns[:extra_class].nil?         = notranslate(link_to( h(user.full_name), stream_url(:user_id => user.silhouette_user_id), :class => extra_class )) rescue "anonymous"     - else          = notranslate(link_to( h(user.full_name), stream_url(:user_id => user.silhouette_user_id) )) rescue "anonymous"     = notranslate(link_to "pro", "#", :class => "badge badge-pro", :title => "#{user.part_name} pro") if sso.is_pro? user 

i can access locals via local_assigns hash, if add these lines top, have access:

  • user = local_assigns[:user]
  • extra_class = local_assigns[:extra_class]

i live that. however, gets worse. user activerecord model object. cannot, however, access attributes of object user.attribute notation. instead have user user[:attribute].

i still except of attributes of user methods, cannot access using user[:method].

i thought might rails, @ 3.1.12 upgraded 3.2.13 no change.

any ideas? haml processor? other posts solved used erb.

try using way rendering partials (it's correct way rails 3):

= render 'user_name', user: item_user, extra_class: "active" 

and access objects using user , extra_class


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