css - Adjust automatically the size of div -

i have code, .text not working expected. auto should fit in width of container, .text div pushed second line. need auto value because width of image can change, , right div should fit in container regardless of image width.

<div class="container">     <div class="img"><img src="http://placehold.it/350x150"></div>     <div class="text">some text textsome textsome textsome textsome textsome textsome textsome textsome textsome textsome textsome textsome textsome text</div> </div>  .img, .text {     float:left; }  .text{     border: 1px solid red;     height:150px;     width:auto; //should width:248px in specific case; }  .container{     width:600px;     border:1px solid green;     height:150px } 


just don’t let .text class float well. way block element, taking full width (of parent element) minus floating. might want apply left padding though.


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