dom - Add a list item through javascript -

so, trying print out array gets user input text added it, want print out ordered list of array. can see, (if run code) list item keeps getting user input added it, , no new list items added people's names. please help! here code below:

 <!doctype html>  <html>  <head>  first name: <input type="text" id="firstname"><br>    <script type="text/javascript">  var x= [];   function changetext2(){ var firstname = document.getelementbyid('firstname').value; document.getelementbyid('boldstuff2').innerhtml = firstname; x.push(firstname); document.getelementbyid('demo').innerhtml = x;  }  </script>   <p>your first name is: <b id='boldstuff2'></b> </p>   <p> other people's names: </p>   <ol>      <li id = "demo"> </li>   </ol>   <input type='button' onclick='changetext2()'   value='submit'/>    </head>  <body>  </body>  </html> 

if want create li element each input/name, have create it, document.createelement [mdn].

give list id:

<ol id="demo"></ol> 

and reference it:

var list = document.getelementbyid('demo'); 

in event handler, create new list element input value content , append list node.appendchild [mdn]:

var firstname = document.getelementbyid('firstname').value; var entry = document.createelement('li'); entry.appendchild(document.createtextnode(firstname)); list.appendchild(entry); 



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