How to add POI with Wikitude? -

i'm new developer ar poi

i'm using wikitude developer ar.i follow here

this code in js file:

var world = {     loaded: false,      init: function initfn() {         ar.context.onlocationchanged = world.onlocationchanged;     },     onlocationchanged: function onlocationchangedfn(latitude, longitude, altitude, accuracy) {          ar.context.onlocationchanged = null;          world.createmarkeratlocation(latitude + 0.01, longitude - 0.0005, altitude - 0.06);     },     createmarkeratlocation: function createmarkeratlocationfn(latitude, longitude, altitude) {          var markerlocation = new ar.geolocation(latitude, longitude, altitude);         var markerdrawable = new ar.imagedrawable(world.markerdrawable, 3);         var markerobject = new ar.geoobject(markerlocation, {             drawables: {                 cam: markerdrawable             }         });     },      worldloaded: function worldloadedfn() {         document.body.removechild(document.getelementbyid('loadingmessage'));     } };  world.init(); 

and run in android.but app not show pois.

my question
1. how did poi show in apps

excuse me!.i'm not english

make sure device getting location. see if gets location can add following lines inside "function onlocationchangedfn"

alert('location received');

this should pop message once location has been received.


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