kmlLayer not displaying google maps api -

first time ever posting on stackoverflow tell me , crude if doing terribly wrong anyway. created kml file , uploaded kml site, , trying implement google maps created, stumped have no errors not show @ all.

// north campus shuttle kml implementation var redshuttle = new google.maps.kmllayer (      ''      ); redshuttle.setmap(map); 

can share more code?

in example code working:

function initialize() {     var map = new"map"),     {         center: new google.maps.latlng(22.7964,73.8456),         maptypeid: google.maps.maptypeid.terrain     });   /*  var kmllayer = new google.maps.kmllayer('',     {         suppressinfowindows: true,         map: map     });     */     var redshuttle = new google.maps.kmllayer ( '' ); redshuttle.setmap(map); }


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