ios - Pulling the raw html string from an htm file stored locally in Xcode -

i have locally stored .htm file , want pull raw html string , display textview. know how display strings in textviews , else, need know how inner strong locally stored .htm file. right can pull path.

first, you'll have add file project , include in application bundle:

  • add file project
  • select target
  • go build phases tab
  • expand copy bundle resources section
  • add file list

this makes sure file available when application runs on device.

to read content of file when application runs, file path:

nsstring *path = [[nsbundle mainbundle] pathforresource:@"your_file" oftype:@"htm"];

and load file

nserror *error; nsstring *content = [nsstring stringwithcontentsoffile:path encoding:nsutf8stringencoding error:&error]; 

things watch out for:

  • check error value after reading
  • if file large, might want read asynchronously


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