javascript - How to compare (contents of) color objects retrieved from HTML5 canvas via ctx.getImageData() -

i'd compare (a limited number of) color values retrieved html5 canvas. retrieve , store i'm interested in ctx.getimagedata(x, y, 1, 1).data;

i tried use from: how compare arrays in javascript? by:

// add same compare method uint8clampedarray; 

that works fine on recent firefox , chrome found not browsers return object of type uint8clampedarray. ie seems use object of canvaspixelarray , safari seems use simple 4-value array

do have deal differences myself or there reliable generelized method (plain js or jquery) compare 2 such values retieved ctx.getimagedata() works on browsers?

you can (probably?) use array compare method this:

var comparisonresult = [], colors); 

that code finds "compare" method array instance , invokes pixel array this value , other array (your colors) first parameter.

this same thing:

var comparisonresult =, colors); 

but it's more typing , i'm lazy. anyway, long pixels "look like" array (they have "length" property , [] indexing works) should work you.

edit — looked @ question linked. if need "compare" function purpose, there's no need add array prototype, since you're not making use of means anyway. write compare function takes 2 arguments.


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