Javascript Object Event Handler Scope, best practice(s)? -

i'm writing javascript module provides form submit.

while writing it, ran seems classic scope problem.

i want submit() method make ajax call , use object method handle success , fail of call. since submit() event handler, this no longer set flagbox object. thus, no longer have access flagbox.showsuccess() or flagbox.showfail().

at first, looking way set object-wide self reference, call self.showsuccess().

for now, i'm using jquery.proxy() set context of handler.

i thought implementing pub/sub pattern or attaching method

i'm curious other solutions out there, , if there 'best practices' haven't found.

(function( $ ) {      var flagbox = function() {};     flagbox.prototype = {          constructor: flagbox,          init: function() {             $('.flag-content-box')                 .on('submit', $.proxy(this.submit, this));         },          ...          showsuccess: function() {             console.log('success');         },          showfail: function() {             console.log('fail');         },          submit: function(event) {             event.preventdefault();              var = this;                 formdata = $(;              $.ajax({                 type:"post",                 url: '/flag/add.json',                 data: formdata,                 success : function(data) {                     that.showsuccess();                 },                 error : function(jqxhr, textstatus, errorthrown) {                     showfail();                 }             });         }     };      var flagbox = new flagbox();     flagbox.init();  })(jquery); 


you can bind success/failure methods object this. way success/failure methods called object's context.

(function( $ ) {      var flagbox = function() {};     flagbox.prototype = {          constructor: flagbox,          init: function() {             $('.flag-content-box')                 .on('submit', $.proxy(this.submit, this));         },          ...          showsuccess: function() {             console.log('success');         },          showfail: function() {             console.log('fail');         },          submit: function(event) {             event.preventdefault();              var = this;                 formdata = $(;              var successfn = (function(obj){                 return function(){                     return obj.showsuccess.apply(obj, arguments)                 }             })(this);                var failurefn = (function(obj){                 return function(){                     return obj.showfailure.apply(obj, arguments);                 }             })(this);                $.ajax({                 type:"post",                 url: '/flag/add.json',                 data: formdata,                 success : successfn,                 error : failurefn             });         }     };      var flagbox = new flagbox();     flagbox.init();  })(jquery); 


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