Python 3 Syntax Error -

  method = input("is raining? ") if method=="yes" :   print("you should take bus.") else: distance = input("how far in km want travel? ") if distance == > 2:     print("you should walk.") elif distance ==  < 10 :   print("you should take bus.") else:    print("you should ride bike.") 

nvm, fixed it..for have same problem , on grok learning indention issue , forgot write int...

so since added second question, i'll add second answer :)

in python 3, input() function returns string, , cannot compare strings , integers without converting things first (python 2 had different semantics here).

>>> distance = input() 10 >>> distance '10' <- note quotes here >>> distance < 10 traceback (most recent call last):   file "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> typeerror: unorderable types: str() < int() 

to convert string integer value, use int(string):

>>> distance = int(distance) >>> distance 10 <- no quotes here >>> distance < 10 false 

(also note code snippet above has indentation issue -- you'll end on "if distance < 2" line whether answer "yes" or not. fix this, have indent should in "else" branch in same way.)


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