r - Solution. How to install_github when there is a proxy -

when try install package of r github's repository

install_github('rwbclimate', 'ropensci') 

if have following error:

installing github repo(s) rwbclimate/master ropensci downloading rwbclimate.zip https://github.com/ropensci/rwbclimate/archive/master.zip error in function (type, msg, aserror = true)  : not resolve host: github.com; host not found, try again 

this error displayed because r trying access on intenet through proxy.


step 1. install devtools packages

if (!require("devtools")) install.packages("devtools") library(devtools) 

step 2. set configuration our proxy (please update information proxy)

library(httr) set_config(   use_proxy(url="", port=8080, username="user",password="password") ) install_github('rwbclimate', 'ropensci') 


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