ruby on rails - Database not getting set up with :js => true -

with code below browser fires test. can see rendered page. items missing on page supposed in database. why isn't database getting populated?

when rid of ":js =>true" database set up.. test fails because need javascript click on table row.

require 'spec_helper'  feature "[user can add analysis line]", :js => true    context "[user signed in]"      scenario "[user can visit home page click on line , add analysis]"         puts "** add analysis feature spec not working **"        jim = fabricate(:user)       sign_in(jim)       nfl = fabricate(:league, name: "nflxx")       nba = fabricate(:league, name: "nba")       nhl = fabricate(:league, name: "nhl")       mlb = fabricate(:league, name: "mlb")       nfl_event1 = fabricate(:event, league: nfl, home_team: "eagles")       nfl_event2 = fabricate(:event, league: nfl, home_team: "jets")       nba_event = fabricate(:event, league: nba, home_team: "sixers")       nhl_event = fabricate(:event, league: nhl, home_team: "flyers")       mlb_event = fabricate(:event, league: mlb, home_team: "phillies")        visit(posts_path)           find('.league-text').click_link("all")       page.all('.vegas-line')[0].click       click_link("add analysis")       fill_in('post_title', :with => "this analysis")       fill_in('post_content', :with => "this long analysis game. if should me")       click_button('post')       page.should have_content "post submitted sucessfully"      end    end end 

i think problem have when tests run javascript test code , application server code running in separate threads , therefore don't share same database connection.

if have rspec-rails running default configuration using database transactions cleanup (the test wrapped in transaction rolled @ end). doesn't work across multiple threads or processes. see

the common way solve problem use database cleaner gem -


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