networking - Unity Network.Connect() returns no error -

i'm trying create online game, works in computer, , in 2 different computers in house. not connect room of other players.

i'm testing trying connect closed room, naturally not connect, still networkconnectionerror returns "noerror" , , onfailedtoconnect() function never called.

my code this:

if(gui.button(rect,"connect")) {     var error = network.connect(element);     printconsoleentry("connection attempt : " + error); } 

which prints "connection attempt : noerror".

but @ point, see in "real console", in unity editor window,

the connection request 192.168.x.x:26500 failed. sure server can connected to?

but not show press "connect" button. waits little. , shows once, out of 100 presses, there kind of yielding?

i tried yield error in coroutine :

var error = network.connect(element); yield error; printconsoleentry("bağlantı denemesi : "+error); 

it returns noerror.

so error? how can see it?


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