ajax - Passing array of integers to WebAPI method in URI params? -

i have following:

    [httpdelete]     public httpresponsemessage deletefolder(int[] ids)     { 

and i'm trying use this:

delete http://localhost:24144/api/folder/1483; delete http://localhost:24144/api/folder/[1483] 

but these coming null within delete method - how send data without putting in body (since delete request)?

my routing has this:

            routes.maphttproute(            name: "folder",            routetemplate: "api/folder/{id}",            defaults: new { controller = "folder", id = routeparameter.optional }             ); 

nevermind, found this:


couldn't find answer on though i'll leave here.

exerpt above linked page:

[httpget()] public httpresponsemessage findbymembers([fromuri]int32[] ids = null) {    //do stuff     return request.createresponsemessage(httpstatuscode.ok); } 

the url http://mywebsite/api/mycontroller/findbymembers/?ids=1&ids=2&ids=3.


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