How to list the Connected USB Port Number using Vendor id and product id using java -

what best api in java display connected usb port number using vendor id , product id?

you can list serial ports using simple javax.comm api

import javax.comm.*; import java.util.enumeration;  public class listports { public static void main(string args[]) { enumeration ports = commportidentifier.getportidentifiers(); while (ports.hasmoreelements()) { commportidentifier port = (commportidentifier)ports.nextelement(); string type; switch (port.getporttype()) { case commportidentifier.port_serial: type = "serial";  break; default: /// shouldn't happen type = "unknown";  break; } system.out.println(port.getname() + ": " + type); } } } 

the output like

com1: serial com2: serial com7: serial 

edit: see blog on creating , using real-time port monitoring application powered ibm lotus.
using jusb for windows , for linux can read , write operation find a example here


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