java - How to get both the attributes and the data list with XmlList -

i have xml files contain elements so:

<element attribute1="a" attribute2="b" attribute3="c">     b c d e f g </element> 

is there way both attributes , value list?

i use @xmllist list [a, b, c, d, e, f, g], not have attributes. make class element , use @xmlattribute , @xmlvalue, value not list.

if there no way this, make class element in getter method returns string value array or list, , simple enough, wondering if there correct way have xml unmarshalled in first place.

the @xmlvalue can applied list property. mapping list items represented space separated list in xml. can following:


import java.util.list; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.*;  @xmlrootelement @xmlaccessortype(xmlaccesstype.field) public class element {      @xmlattribute     private string attribute1;      @xmlattribute     private string attribute2;      @xmlattribute     private string attribute3;      @xmlvalue     private list<string> value;  } 


import; import javax.xml.bind.*;  public class demo {      public static void main(string[] args) throws exception {         jaxbcontext jc = jaxbcontext.newinstance(element.class);          unmarshaller unmarshaller = jc.createunmarshaller();         file xml = new file("src/forum17775900/input.xml");         element element = (element) unmarshaller.unmarshal(xml);          marshaller marshaller = jc.createmarshaller();         marshaller.setproperty(marshaller.jaxb_formatted_output, true);         marshaller.marshal(element, system.out);     }  } 


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <element attribute1="a" attribute2="b" attribute3="c">a b c d e f g</element> 


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