postgresql - How do you filter records by the time of day in Rails? -

i have bunch of records have datetime stored on them used pull out time of day (i.e. 6:00 p.m.) , i'd filter them time of day. example, i'd records time of day between 10:00 a.m. , 2:00 p.m., regardless of day timestamp for.

is there way in rails? realize datetime might not easiest/best way store data, i'm open changing that. also, i'm using postgres.

with postgres can use typecasting convert datetime/timestamp fields time, example:

select * posts created_at::time between '10:00:00' , '14:00:00'; 

so, in rails, should able do:

post.where('start_at::time between ? , ?', '10:00:00', '14:00:00') 

and postgres smart enough understand am/pm format also:

post.where('start_at::time between ? , ?', '10:00:00 am', '02:00:00 pm') 


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