android - How change default white background WebView Flex -

my problem is, app has black background. inserted webview showing html page, when page loading, background of webview white. need have black background because app , page has black background. possible? found answers android, no flash builder mobile.

i tried set in additional compiler arguments -default-background-color #000000 , nothing happened.

thank advices

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <s:view xmlns:fx=""          xmlns:s="library://" title="example"         creationcomplete="webexample(event)">     <fx:declarations>         <!-- place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->     </fx:declarations>       <fx:script>          <![cdata[             import;             protected var webview:stagewebview = new stagewebview();              protected var counter:int = 0;             protected var url:string = "";              protected function addedtostagehandler():void             {             }              protected function removedfromstagehandler():void             {                 webview.dispose();                 stage.removeeventlistener(stageorientationevent.orientation_change, orientationchangehandler);             }              protected function orientationchangehandler(event:stageorientationevent):void             {                 resizewebview();             }              protected function resizewebview():void             {                 webview.viewport = new rectangle(0, 0, 1280, 720);             }              public function webexample(event:flexevent):void             {                  webview.stage = stage;                 resizewebview();                 webview.loadurl(url);                 stage.addeventlistener(stageorientationevent.orientation_change, orientationchangehandler);                  if (build.version.sdk_int >= 11) {                     webview.setlayertype(webview.layer_type_software, null);                 }                }         ]]>     </fx:script> </s:view> 

try disable hardware acceleration:

if (build.version.sdk_int >= 11) {     webview.setlayertype(webview.layer_type_software, null); } 

instead of webview use reference webview.
had same issue , fixed way.


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