c# - How does samachar.com use google news rss? -

how website www.samachar.com use google news rss?

i looking functionality coded in asp.net. have code not working google news rss.


public void createrss(string path, int maxitem1, string opennewwindow,string  lengthoof_decs)  {     xmldocument doc = null;     xmltextreader rssreader = null;     label doclbl = null;     label snolbl = null;     try     {         try         {             rssreader = new xmltextreader(path);         }         catch (exception)         {             return;         }          if (rssreader == null)         {             return;         }          doc = new xmldocument();         try         {             doc.load(rssreader);         }         catch (exception)         {             return;         }          if (doc == null)         {             return;         }          readdoc(doc, maxitem1, opennewwindow, lengthoof_decs);     }     catch (exception)     {         throw;     }         {         doc = null;         rssreader = null;         doclbl = null;         snolbl = null;     }   } public void readdoc(xmldocument rssdoc, int maxitem2, string opennewwindow, string  lengthoof_decs) {     datatable dt = new datatable();      int maxitems = 0; ;      dt.columns.add("title");     dt.columns.add("desc");     dt.columns.add("url");     xmlnode noderss = null;     xmlnode nodechannel = null;     xmlnode nodeitem = null;     try     {         if (rssdoc == null)         {             return;         }          // loop <rss> tag         (int = 0; < rssdoc.childnodes.count; i++)         {             // if rss tag             if (rssdoc.childnodes[i].name == "rss")             {                 noderss = rssdoc.childnodes[i];                 break;             }         }          if (noderss == null)         {             return;         }         (int = 0; < noderss.childnodes.count; i++)         {             if (noderss.childnodes[i].name == "channel")             {                 nodechannel = noderss.childnodes[i];                 break;             }         }          if (nodechannel == null)         {             return;         }          // loop <title>, <link>, <description> , other tags         (int = 0; < nodechannel.childnodes.count; i++)         {             string title = "";             string desc = "";             string url="";             if (nodechannel.childnodes[i].name == "item")             {                 nodeitem = nodechannel.childnodes[i];                 if (nodeitem["title"] != null)                 {                     title = nodeitem.innerxml.tostring(); ;                     int pos1 = title.indexof("<title>") + "<title>".length;                     int pos2 = title.indexof("</title>");                     title = title.substring(pos1, pos2 - pos1);                     //<![cdata[                    title= title.replace("cdata", "").replace ("%","").replace("<", "").replace("!", "").replace("[", "").replace("<![cdata[", "").replace("&nbsp", "").replace("]]>", "").replace("]", "").replace(">", "");                 }                 if (nodeitem["description"] != null) {                     desc  = nodeitem.innerxml.tostring(); ;                     int pos1 = desc.indexof("<description>") + "<description>".length;                     int pos2 = desc.indexof("</description>");                     desc = desc.substring(pos1, pos2 - pos1);                     ////////////////////////////////////////////                     try                     {                         int g1 = desc.indexof("&lt;img");                         int g2 = desc.indexof("&gt;") + "&gt;".length;                         if (g1 > -1 && g2 > -1)                         {                             string desc1 = desc;                             desc1 = desc1.substring(g1, g2 - g1);                             desc = desc.replace(desc1, "");                         }                     }                     catch (exception ehge)                     {                     }                      try                     {                         int g1 = desc.indexof("<img");                         int g2 = desc.indexof(">") + ">".length;                         if (g1 > -1 && g2 > -1)                         {                             string desc1 = desc;                             desc1 = desc1.substring(g1, g2 - g1);                             desc = desc.replace(desc1, "");                         }                     }                     catch (exception ehge)                     {                     }                       try                     {                         int g1 = desc.indexof("&lt;img");                         int g2 = desc.lastindexof("&gt;")+"&gt;".length;                         if (g1 > -1 && g2 > -1)                         {                             string desc1 = desc;                             desc1 = desc1.substring(g1, g2 - g1);                             desc = desc.replace(desc1, "");                         }                     }                     catch (exception ehge)                     {                      }                     (int d = 0; d <= 5; d++)                     {                         try                         {                              int g1 = desc.indexof("&lt");                             int g2 = desc.indexof("&gt;") + "&gt;".length;                             if (g1 > -1 && g2 > -1)                             {                                 string desc1 = desc;                                 desc1 = desc1.substring(g1, g2 - g1);                                 desc = desc.replace(desc1, "");                             }                           }                         catch (exception ehge)                         {                          }                     }                     (int d = 0; d <= 5; d++)                     {                         try                         {                              int g1 = desc.indexof("<");                             int g2 = desc.indexof(">") + ">".length;                             if (g1 > -1 && g2 > -1)                             {                                 string desc1 = desc;                                 desc1 = desc1.substring(g1, g2 - g1);                                 desc = desc.replace(desc1, "");                             }                           }                         catch (exception ehge)                         {                          }                     }                      ////////////////////////////////////////////                       desc = desc.replace("cdata", "").replace("<", "").replace ("%","").replace("!", "").replace("[", "").replace("<![cdata[", "").replace("&nbsp", "").replace("]]>", "").replace("]", "").replace(">", ""); ;                       if (lengthoof_decs.trim() != "all")                   {                       try                       {                           string tempdesc = desc;                           tempdesc = tempdesc.substring(0, convert.toint16(lengthoof_decs));                           tempdesc = tempdesc + " ..".replace("cdata", "").replace("<", "").replace("!", "").replace("[", "").replace("<![cdata[", "").replace("&nbsp", "").replace("]]>", "").replace("]", "").replace(">", "");                            desc = tempdesc;                       }                       catch (exception ee)                       {                          // desc = desc.substring(pos1, pos2 - pos1);                       }                   }                       url  = nodeitem.innerxml.tostring(); ;                     pos1 = url.indexof("<link>") + "<link>".length;                     pos2 = url.indexof("</link>");                     url = url.substring(pos1, pos2 - pos1);                      url = url.replace("amp;", "").replace("cdata", "").replace("<", "").replace("!", "").replace("[", "").replace("<![cdata[", "").replace("&nbsp", "").replace("]]>", "").replace("]", "").replace(">", "");                    }                 if (nodeitem["pubdate"] != null) {                  }                  datarow dr = dt.newrow();                 dr["title"] = title;                 dr["desc"] = desc;                 dr["url"] = "http://www.desikhabar.in/show/?move="+url;                  dt.rows.add(dr);                  maxitems = maxitems + 1;                    if (maxitems == maxitem2 )                 { break; }             }           }     }     catch (exception)     {         throw;     }         {         this.abc(dt, maxitem2, opennewwindow, lengthoof_decs);       } } public void abc(datatable dt, int maxiem, string opennewwindow, string   lengthoof_decs)    {        try        {            if (opennewwindow == "1")            {                (int = 0; < maxiem; i++)                {                     opennewwindow = "_blank";                    response.write("  <li> <a target='" + opennewwindow + "' class='h-linkn' href='" + dt.rows[i]["url"].tostring() + "' title='" + dt.rows[i]["title"].tostring().replace("'", " ") + "'>" + dt.rows[i]["title"].tostring() + "</a> </li>");                    if (lengthoof_decs.trim () !="0")                    {                         response.write(" <p>"+dt.rows[i]["desc"].tostring ()+"</p> ");                    }                 }            }            else            {                (int = 0; < maxiem; i++)                {                    response.write("  <li> <a  class='h-linkn' href='" + dt.rows[i]["url"].tostring() + "' title='" + dt.rows[i]["title"].tostring().replace("'", " ") + "'>" + dt.rows[i]["title"].tostring() + "</a> </li>");                     if (lengthoof_decs.trim() != "0")                    {                        response.write(" <p>" + dt.rows[i]["desc"].tostring() + "</p> ");                    }                }             }           }        catch (exception ea)        {        } } 

if going read standard rss, @ syndicationfeed int system.servicemodel.syndication namespace.


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