How to calculate the last Thursday of previous month from current month in MySQL? -

i have 1 problem. have 1 table contains columns id, price , date. every day, entry made in table, if there holiday no entry made. need calculate price on last thursday of previous month date in current month. if day holiday, should iterate next day , find close price day.

id  price    date 145 120   01-05-2013 (dd-mm-yyyy) 145 130   02-05-2013 145 140   03-05-2013 145 150   04-05-2013 145 154   06-05-2013 145 125   30-05-2013 145 124   31-05-2013 145 1236  01-06-2013 145 415   02-06-2013 145 124   03-06-2013 145 124   04-06-2013 145 122   05-06-2013 145 124   06-06-2013 145 125   29-06-2013 145 458   30-06-2013 

i've tried:

select case weekday(last_day(curdate()-interval 1 month))  when 6 date_sub(last_day(curdate()-interval 1 month),interval 3 day) when 5 date_sub(last_day(curdate()-interval 1 month),interval 2 day) when 4 date_sub(last_day(curdate()-interval 1 month),interval 1 day) when 3 date_sub(last_day(curdate()-interval 1 month),interval 0 day) when 2 date_sub(last_day(curdate()-interval 1 month),interval 4 day) when 1 date_sub(last_day(curdate()-interval 1 month),interval 5 day) when 0 date_sub(last_day(curdate()-interval 1 month),interval 6 day) end day 

(this query gives me last thursday of previous month. there possibility there holiday , table not contain date , price. should iterate in such way finds next entry.) there may more 1 holiday (christmas day, boxing day in countries celebrate both, example).


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