Importing Alexa data into Amazon RedShift -

i have taken daily dump file , unzipped , placed onto s3.

when try , copy statement in postgresql receiving following error

missing newline: unexpected character  0x14 found @ location 4 


copy temp 's3://bucket/top-1m.csv' credentials 'blah blah blah'; 

do have add kinda character each line?

raw data:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 

the redshift copy command uses pipe '|' default delimiter character. if files delimited character (comma in case), need add delimiter keyword copy command.

copy temp 's3://bucket/top-1m.csv' credentials 'blah blah blah' delimiter ',';

or comma separated files:

copy temp 's3://bucket/top-1m.csv' credentials 'blah blah blah' csv; 


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