nslayoutconstraint - Where are the NSLayoutPriority constants in MonoTouch/Xamarin.iOS -

i'm trying find these constants in xamarin.ios - can't find them.

enum {    nslayoutpriorityrequired = 1000,    nslayoutprioritydefaulthigh = 750,    nslayoutprioritydragthatcanresizewindow = 510,    nslayoutprioritywindowsizestayput = 500,    nslayoutprioritydragthatcannotresizewindow = 490,    nslayoutprioritydefaultlow = 250,    nslayoutpriorityfittingsizecompression = 50, }; typedef float nslayoutpriority; 

which c# object provided in?

that's because it's named uilayoutpriority in ios. nslayoutconstraint.h file of ios 6.1 sdk:

@property uilayoutpriority priority; 

uilayoutpriority enum inside monotouch.uikit namespace.


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