Why can I not use the jar generated by Android Maven apklib in my assembly? -

i use maven build android library projects, results in apklib. less ideal since contains source code, have distribution module (using maven-assembly plugin) should package library project jar containing compiled source code in libs directory , empty src directory.

i have included jar mygroupid:myartifactid:jar using module set include when run find nothing present in libs folder. if change above mygroupid:myartifactid:apklib apklib is included. distribution module has library module dependency, both apklib type , jar type.

when building following warning message:

[warning] following patterns never triggered in artifact inclusion filter: o  'mygroupid:myartifactid:jar' 

the android maven plugin attaches jar: can see created during compile , installed local repository on mvn install.

so why can not include normally?

ps: know can include specifying file location; if possible i'd not have specify myself , through module set.


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