Search for files (with conditions) in the Google Drive SDK using Java -

i'm trying search files in drive java, i'm not sure how set conditions. example given in video tutorial in python. so, here method retrieve list of files drive:

private static list<file> retrieveallfiles(drive service) throws ioexception {     list<file> result = new arraylist<file>();     files.list request = service.files().list();      {          try {             filelist files = request.execute();             result.addall(files.getitems());             request.setpagetoken(files.getnextpagetoken());             } catch (ioexception e) {                 system.out.println("an error occurred: " + e);                 request.setpagetoken(null);             }     } while (request.getpagetoken() != null &&             request.getpagetoken().length() > 0);      return result; } 

now, mention here file.list method accepts q parameter. how can that? when try set parameter examples given in video q = "title contains 'fruit'", not work. doing wrong? request.queue() used this?


use setq method files list request.

for examples on how query files/folders:


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