clojure cycles returning nil in map-indexed -

i trying write cycle based fizz buzz in clojure. seems work values not fizz or buzz, values fizz , buzz returns nil.


(ns fizz-buzz.core   (:gen-class))  (defn fizz-buzz [value]   (let [fizz (cycle ["" "" "fizz"])         buzz (cycle ["" "" "" "" "buzz"])         fb (map str fizz buzz)]     (nth (map-indexed             (fn [i v]               (if (clojure.string/blank? v)                (str (+ 1)                v)))            fb)          (- value 1))) 


(ns fizz-buzz.core-test   (:require [clojure.test :refer :all]             [fizz-buzz.core :refer :all]))  (deftest value-2-will-return-2    (testing "2 return string 2"     (is (= "2" (fizz-buzz 2)))))  (deftest value-4-will-return-4    (testing "4 return string 4"     (is (= "4" (fizz-buzz 4)))))  (deftest value-3-will-return-fizz   (testing "3 return string fizz"     (is (= "fizz" (fizz-buzz 3)))))  (deftest value-5-will-return-buzz   (testing "5 return string buzz"     (is (= "buzz" (fizz-buzz 5)))) 

the first 2 tests work (2 , 4), fizz , buzz test not work. sure not understand how map-indexed works.

you have slight bracket misplacement in if statement. means have no else case if (hence nil result)

try rewriting:

(if (clojure.string/blank? v)            (str (+ 1)            v))) 


(if (clojure.string/blank? v)            (str (+ 1))            v)) 

ps - looks you've understood map-indexed fine :)


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