hibernate - Spring + ehcache + bigmemory go integration -

i integrating spring3.2 + ehcache + bigmemory go.

firstly, not undertand term "save bigmemory go license-key file bigmemory go home directory." bigmemory go home directory in java web application deployed on glassfish.

request help.

secondly, error: nested exception net.sf.ehcache.cacheexception: cannot instantiate enterprise features manager

following files;

<bean id="ehcachemanager" class="org.springframework.cache.ehcache.ehcachemanagerfactorybean">    <property name="configlocation" value="/web-inf/ehcache.xml" />           <property name="shared" value="true" />           </bean> 


<ehcache xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/xmlschema-instance" xsi:nonamespaceschemalocation="http://ehcache.org/ehcache.xsd" name="mybigmemorygoconfig">           <diskstore path="c:/bigmemorygo"/>  <cache name="cache_gen" maxbyteslocalheap="124m" maxbyteslocaloffheap="1g">      <persistence strategy="localrestartable"/>  </cache>    <cache name="cache_cmp" maxbyteslocalheap="124m" maxbyteslocaloffheap="1g">      <persistence strategy="localrestartable"/>  </cache>     </ehcache> 

help appreciated.

thanks, godwin

for bigmemory license, needs in application classpath...2 ways this:

  • copy license file in application's "web-inf/classes" folder (if using maven build, that'd in /src/main/resources folder...)
  • or, if don't want copy license file in application, add jvm param "-dcom.tc.productkey.path=" app server startup script (or java_opts example)

for exception, might related license...please show exception stack if can.

hope helps.


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