html - Make a div fixed at particular height -

in web layout using left side bar , content div.both of them want scroll @ point when left side bar content has finished left side bar div div has come fixed , content alone want scroll

you need use javascript or in example jquery.

<script src="//"></script> <script> $(window).scroll(function(e) {     var divtop = $("#div-name").offset().top,         stoppoint = 400;      if ($(this).scrolltop() >= (divtop + stoppoint) && $('.scroller').css('position') != 'fixed') {         $('#div-name').css({             'position': 'fixed',             'top': '0px',             'height': '300px',             'overflow-y': 'scroll'         });     } }); </script> <style>     #div-name     {            margin-top:45px;         padding:15px;         width:250px;         height:1200px;         background-color:#ccc;     } </style> 

the first line calls jquery library

<script src="//"></script> 

the following script finds div it's id , gets it's top point. stop point how far want div scroll before stopping.

the if statement kicks in when screen scrolls past stop point , alters css set position fixed plus else want do.

hope helps.


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