.net - WiX - install windows service to run in x64 mode -

i'm installing windows service using wix 3.5 , serviceinstall tag:

<directoryref id="windowsservicecontentdir">         <component id="windowsserviceexecutablecomponent" guid="*" win64="yes">             <file source="$(var.windowsservicetargetdir)$(var.windowsservicetargetname).exe" keypath="yes" />              <serviceinstall id="windowsserviceinstall" type="ownprocess" start="auto" errorcontrol="normal" vital="yes"                             name="[win_service_name]" displayname="name"                             description="name"                             account="[dentity_domain]\[identity_name]"                             password="[identity_pwd]">             </serviceinstall>               <servicecontrol id="windowsservicestop" name="[win_service_name]" stop="both" remove="uninstall" wait="yes" />         </component> </directoryref> 

after installation on 64bit machine, service running in 32bit (x86) mode, despite win64="yes" attribute. else need done run service in x64 mode after installation?

thank you

type="ownprocess" in service install win32 process hence service running in 32bit mode. maybe can use custom actions install service instead of serviceinstall element.


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