auctex - What is the difference of tex-mode and latex-mode and LaTeX-mode in emacs -

i configuring auctex in emacs.

most of configurations put in latex-mode-hook. when open main.tex file, notice major mode latex-mode , hooked configurations not activated. have m-x tex-latex-mode activate them. major-mode still latex-mode.

(add-hook 'latex-mode-hook       (lambda ()          ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;         ;; auctex          (setq tex-auto-save t)         (setq tex-parse-self t)        )) 

so know difference of these modes , how can turn on auctex automatically when open *.tex file.

the modes provided auctex listed @ , are

  • plain-tex-mode
  • latex-mode
  • ams-tex-mode
  • context-mode
  • texinfo-mode
  • doctex-mode


  • tex-mode
  • plain-tex-mode
  • latex-mode
  • slitex-mode
  • doctex-mode

(note different capitalization) major modes provided tex mode package shipped emacs.

if want open *.tex files auctex latex mode add .emacs:

(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.tex$" . latex-mode)) 

actually, shouldn't necessary, because auctex defines tex-mode.el mode names alias of own modes.


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