ember.js - Right way to architect two paths for adding users -

right have following app - http://jsbin.com/okoxim/7/edit

it allows person browse users name or class. if browsing users, , click new user, new form no default values, , upon save directed user details.

when browsing class want give option add new user , new form should default current class on when new user option selected , upon save, should route class saved.

what right way setup routes facilitate scenario , how should reuse existing new controller this?

you can use custom event manage inside route. view/controller bubble event route, takes care of adding student given data.

app.applicationroute = em.route.extend({   events: {     createstudent: function(student, gradeid) {       var grade = app.grade.find(gradeid);       var newstudent = app.student.create({         name: student.name,         address: student.address,         grade: grade       });         newstudent.save();       // other application related stuff     }   } }); 

and controller use send dispatch event data route.

save: function() {   var gradeid = this.get('newgrade');   var student = {     name: this.get('newname'),     address: this.get('newaddress')   };   this.send('createstudent', student, gradeid);   // other view related stuff } 

the createstudent event can reused different controllers/views.


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