How to Update a record if it exists otherwise insert a new record in MySQL -

i trying write mysql query update record if exists otherwise create new record 2 different tables. found information online can't seems nail it.

this current query

set @time_now := now();      if exists(select 1 phone_calls account_id = 8 , call_code_id = 5 , status = 1)       begin         update phone_calls         set trigger_on=@time_now,         isappointment=1,         modified_by = 2,         modified_on = @time_now         account_id =8 , call_code_id = 5 , status = 1;        end     else       begin         insert phone_calls (mid_id, account_id, call_code_id, trigger_on, created_on, call_subject, status, next_call_id                                 , call_direction, owner_id, workflow_generated, call_notes, total_attempts, isappointment)                                 values (1, 8, 5, @time_now, @time_now, 'this test', 1, 0 , "outbound", 2, 1, "", 0, 0);         insert inventory_engine_history(phone_call_id, new_phone_call_id, created_by, new_call_owner, action, trigger_on)                                                  values(1000, last_insert_id(), 2, 2, '', @time_now)';        end 

i running syntax error

#1064 - have error in sql syntax; check manual corresponds mysql server version right syntax use near 'if exists(select 1 phone_calls account_id = 8 , call_code_id = 5 an' @ line 1  

can please me error?

note: if multiple records exists should update of them if no record exist them insert 1 record in each table.


declare thecount int; select count(*) thecount phone_calls account_id = 8 , call_code_id = 5 , status = 1 if(thecount=0) -- dologic; else -- dosomeotherlogic; end if 


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