jar - Getting started with JavaCC -

i new javacc , cannot figure out how running. using mac os x , installed javacc-6.0.zip , unzipped it. unable make javacc script accessible path on typing javacc on terminal following message:

    -bash: javacc: command not found 

how make javacc script accessible path?

my unzipped folder javacc-6.0 in following directory: /users/rishabh/desktop/javacc

so following on terminal:


typing javacc next gives me same message.

the version of javacc 6.0 downloaded today (2013.07.22) did not have complete bin directory. missing script files! remedied soon.

for os x , other unix/linux variants, missing script file called javacc, should executable, , should contain following:

#!/bin/sh jar="`dirname $0`/lib/javacc.jar"  case "`uname`" in      cygwin*) jar="`cygpath --windows -- "$jar"`" ;; esac  java -classpath "$jar" javacc "$@" 

add bin directory path (omitting backslash -- pointed out ahmed masud) , should ticketty boo. if os comes redmond or want run jjtree or jjdoc, download javacc-5.0 , copy script files (not lib directory!!!!) 5.0 bin directory 6.0 bin directory.


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