Perl- print hash values while the key is matched -

i trying print hash values using html tags inside perl code. instead of values 1. happens when try print hash values inside sub. right way ?

package shembull;  %rhash= (     lbl_name  =>  "l",     lbl_surname =>  "g",     txt_nameemri    =>  "n",     txt_surname =>  "m",     btn_submit  =>  "submit", );  sub lbl_input { $value = @_; return "<label>".$value."</label>"; }  sub txt_input { $value = @_; return "<textarea>".$value."</textarea>"; }  sub btn_input { $value = @_; return"<button>".$value."</button>"; }  foreach $tmp (keys %rhash){     if($tmp =~/lbl/){         print lbl_input ($rhash{$tmp});     }     elsif($tmp =~/txt/){         print txt_input ($rhash{$tmp});     }     elsif($tmp =~/btn/){         print btn_input ($rhash{$tmp});     } } 

what may e reason? thank !

my $value = @_; 

this put number of elements of @_ in $value - evaluating list in scalar context returns number of elements.

you can use instead:

my ($value) = @_; 


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