ruby - How do I parse and scrape the meta tags of a URL with Nokogiri? -

i using nokogiri pull <h1> , <title> tags, having trouble getting these:

<meta name="description" content="i design , develop websites , applications."> <meta name="keywords" content="web designer,web developer"> 

i have code:

url = ''  page = nokogiri::html(open(url))  puts page.css('title')[0].text puts page.css('h1')[0].text puts page.css('description') puts meta description puts meta keywords 

i looked in docs , didn't find anything. use regex this?


here's how i'd go it:

require 'nokogiri'  doc = nokogiri::html(<<eot) <meta name="description" content="i design , develop websites , applications."> <meta name="keywords" content="web designer,web developer"> eot  contents = %w[description keywords].map { |name|"meta[name='#{name}']")['content'] } contents # => ["i design , develop websites , applications.", "web designer,web developer"] 


contents ="meta[name='description'], meta[name='keywords']").map { |n|    n['content']  } contents # => ["i design , develop websites , applications.", "web designer,web developer"] 


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