Resource Failed To Load, streaming Mp3 playback with mediaelement.js -

i'm working on audio streaming app reddit , whatever reason links randomly fail "resource failed load" mid track, i've been unable find out reason why, double check links , they're totally valid , download fine. i'm using mediafire host files , medialement.js playback. idea why might happening?

i switched jplayer , still having same issues

this seems bug in chrome streaming mp3 playback via html5 audio. doesn't occur on firefox , if fallback flash disappears, i've enbabled "legacy option" , added following line

error: function(e) {if(e.jplayer.error.type=="e_url") {if(e.jplayer.status!==undefined) {$("#player").jplayer("play", e.jplayer.status.currenttime)} else {next_track()}};}

this causes song stop quarter of second resume in exact spot errored, not ideal, it's better was


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